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Post # 22
19.08.2024 | 14:32

Carnival Flow

Carnival Flow

Join us on the 7th September for a day of celebrating water, its power and its spirit!
Post # 21
19.08.2024 | 14:31

Making Waves: Stories of Water

September Film Screening
Join us on the 5th September for a film screening on water power and its spirit.
Upload: 19.08.2024
Upload: 19.08.2024
Post # 20
19.08.2024 | 14:29

Sun Beams: Stories of the Sun

Film Screening

Join us for a screening of short films on solar power and community action!

Upload: 19.08.2024
Upload: 19.08.2024
Post # 19
07.06.2024 | 17:07

waterways walk for the great big green week

join us on Saurday 8th June for an interesting walk from our hydro project to Dovestones reservoir

meet at the Vale arond 10.30 am

more info here:

waterways walk 8th June :

Post # 18
22.04.2024 | 14:55

Regroup, LUNCH, chat and practical work. THURSDAY 2ND MAY 2024

Hi folks,

We'd love to join together again and get focused on the 2nd half of the project for the next 6 months.

Thursday 2nd May 12pm

Lunch will be provided and everyone is welcome.

Please let me know if you can attend by RSVPing to by Monday 29th April.
Post # 17
05.12.2023 | 13:05

Next session

Hi folks,
Join us again this Thursday 2-4pm in Studio 2 for more practical work on the turbine!

Saturday afternoon as well, providing it's not too icey!

Next Session
Post # 16
28.11.2023 | 14:41

Thursday 2-4

The next session will be in Studio 2 on Thursday 30th November 2-4pm as we continue to work on the Archimedes Screw.
Post # 15
20.11.2023 | 12:56

Next Session

The next session is Thursday 23rd November.
Jon will lead a session on tweaking and developing the turbine.
15th November
Post # 14
14.11.2023 | 13:28

Next Session

The next session is the 15th November.
We plan to discuss how to tell our story and engage digitally through the website and social media.

We hope to see you there.

Next meeting
Post # 13
03.11.2023 | 16:00


Join us on the 8th November to get arty.

Wednesday (8th) 2.30-4.30pm we'll be gathering to think creatively about what the requirements for an artist commission for the project would look like. In order to create a commission call out for artists to respond to.
Bring along inspiration from other environmental art projects or your own ideas. If you can't make it but have ideas, please share them on the blog on this website.